On 26 January 2016, the JBCE Environment Committee had the pleasure to invite as a special guest Ms Temenuzhka Popova, Legal Officer in charge of REACH in the DG GROW in order to discuss the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) ruling on REACH 0.1 % denominator for articles and other REACH related matters.

Ms Popova explained that the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and the EU Commission are now working to comprehensively amend the guidelines on articles in order to reflect the CJEU ruling and urged JBCE/its member companies to get involved in the revision process. She also mentioned about the forthcoming REACH revision next year and the anticipated REACH Enforcement projects. JBCE members asked questions about the revision process, timeline and what the ruling means in practice when it comes to complying with REACH Articles 7.2 and 33 and the impact on the supply chain.  Some members together with the Secretariat introduced the innovative Japanese IT based system of chemical substances information dissemination/sharing called ChemSherpa which aims to bring together all existing platforms in Japan into one single format.

JBCE Environment Committee wishes to continue its dialogue with the EU Commission and ECHA in the future in order to constructively contribute to the REACH review.